Unacceptable Badge Error When Tapping Badge on Client System
  • 06 Jun 2022
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Unacceptable Badge Error When Tapping Badge on Client System

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Unacceptable Badge Error When Tapping Badge on Client System


QwickACCESS to Windows 2.0.0; LYNX versions 1.5.x. 


When tapping a badge on a client system, I receive an error message saying, "Unacceptable Badge: Your badge cannot be used with QwickACCESS".


The badge being tapped does not have an acceptable bit count.

RESOLUTION 1 - Update the "What prox cards are acceptable?" to match the bit counts of the badges in your environment

1 - Determine the bit count of the badge you are tapping

  1. One the client system, use Windows Explorer to browse to the C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\QwickACCESS-to-Windows\Logs folder
  2. Open the QAW.ServiceHost.exe-log.txt file using Notepad, or your preferred text editor utility 
  3. Search for "bit count" or "bitcount"
  4. You should see lines similar to the ones below. Look for the lines associated with the time the badge was tapped. 
  5. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,427 [RFIDeasReaderThread] INFO A. [(null)] - Prox card tapped: Bit count = 24, Card Id = 0000000000AC00FF
  6. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,458 [RFIDeasReaderThread] INFO A. [(null)] - No active session is present
  7. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,458 [RFIDeasReaderThread] INFO A. [(null)] - AutomateCad = true; Setting the buffered card
  8. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,474 [RFIDeasReaderThread] DEBUG QAW.ProxCardReaderService.ProxCardReaderService [(null)] - SetBufferedCard was called with bitCount = 24 and cardId = 0000000000AC00FF

2 - Verify the Lynx server settings for acceptable badge counts

  1. Login to the Lynx Admin web page
  2. Select Settings > Prox Card
  3. Update the "What prox cards are acceptable?" setting to accept badges in your environment.

RESOLUTION 2 - Remove parity bit strip settings from badge readers

  1. Note that that bit count captured in the QAW.ServiceHost.exe-log.txt log file is 24. This is not in the acceptable range of valid bit counts (which starts at 26), and will be rejected
  2. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,427 [RFIDeasReaderThread] INFO A. [(null)] - Prox card tapped: Bit count = 24, Card Id = 0000000000AC00FF
  3. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,458 [RFIDeasReaderThread] INFO A. [(null)] - No active session is present
  4. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,458 [RFIDeasReaderThread] INFO A. [(null)] - AutomateCad = true; Setting the buffered card
  5. 2020-03-19 12:09:44,474 [RFIDeasReaderThread] DEBUG QAW.ProxCardReaderService.ProxCardReaderService [(null)] - SetBufferedCard was called with bitCount = 24 and cardId = 0000000000AC00FF
  6. A bit count of 24 is not a common bit count for badges. This is caused by parity bit stripping being enabled on the badge reader, so the 26-bit badge is being read as a 24-bit.
  7. You can change this by configuring the badge reader using the RFIDeas pcProxConfig utility: https://www.rfideas.com/sites/default/files/2020-02/pcProxConfig-5.3.2.zip
    1. Select the "Format" tab
    2. Set Strip leading bit count and Strip trailing bit count to "0"
    3. Click the "Write Settings" button to save your settings to the reader

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