  • 28 Feb 2024
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Article summary

If there is a problem with the QwickAccess for IGEL solution the following basic troubleshooting steps may help you resolve it. If not, please see the Support page for ways to contact Identity Automation support.

I tap a badge, but nothing happens (the screen does not change).

  • Is the red or green light illuminated on the reader?

    No: Check that the badge reader is actually plugged into the endpoint device. If it is plugged in then it could be that the reader is configured so that the light doesn’t come on, or it could be the reader is defective. You can use the RFIDeas Configuration Utility to determine the light configuration and check that the reader can read the badge.

  • Does the reader beep when you tap a badge?

    No: It is likely that the reader does not recognize the type of badge you are using. Double check that your reader can read the badge you are tapping. It is also possible that the reader is not configured properly to read the type of badge you are using. Install the RFIDeas Configuration Utility and check the reader configuration.

I tap a badge and I’m asked to enroll it even though it has been enrolled before.

This is likely caused by a reader misconfiguration. Install the RFIDeas Configuration Utility and check that the reader is NOT configured to strip parity bits.

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