  • 04 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

If you need help with QwickAccess for IGEL, you can file a support ticket.

To ensure the issue is resolved in a timely manner please include the following in the ticket:

  • Product name (QwickAccess for IGEL)

  • Product version (1.3.0)

  • Platform and version (e.g., IGEL version 11.9.100)

  • RFIDeas reader model number (e.g., RFIDeas RDR-80582-AKU)

  • The type of RFID badge you are using (model number is very helpful)

  • The steps you performed to cause the issue.

  • What is observed when the issue occurs.

  • What is the expected behavior that differs from what is actually occurring.

If possible please attach screenshots, and or videos that demonstrate the observed behavior. If you do attach a video it is very helpful if you narrate the steps you are taking to reproduce the issue. For example, you could say, “After rebooting the IGEL endpoint, it is sitting at the tap your badge screen as you can see. Now I’m going to tap my badge and at this point….” and so on.

Also, if possible also attach a log file from the endpoint and indicate at which point in the log file the problem occurred. For example, “The problem occurred at about 11:45 AM on Tuesday the 14th.” That way we can look for that time and date in the log file to narrow down our investigation.

Log File Location

The log file is located at /var/log/qax on IGEL systems.

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