Step 2: Edit the INI file
  • 20 Mar 2023
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Step 2: Edit the INI file

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Step 2: Edit the INI file

Lynx comes with a default configuration that may be suitable for your situation. However, if you need to configure any Lynx parameters, you may do so by following these steps:

  1. Stop the HealthCast Lynx service.
  2. Make a copy of the sample-config.ini file in the C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\Lynx folder. Save the copy in the same folder but call it config.ini.
  3. Edit config.ini to change settings (see example config.ini file below).
  4. Save the settings.
  5. Start the HealthCast Lynx service.

(Example) Lynx Configuration Settings:

ServerPort=443 * the same port configured in the Powershell script

DatabaseType=0 * 0=Embedded database, 1=SQL Server database (see below)

DatabaseServer=SqlServerName * if using SQL Server, the name of your database server

DatabaseName=MyDatabase * if using SQL Server, the name of the database

RequireAdminRole=true * if true, then logging into Lynx Admin web app will be restricted to only those users who are members of the AD group which is specified by the AdminRoleName setting (see below)

AdminRoleName=Lynx Admins * the name of the Lynx admins group (see below)

ProxCardTableType=0 * 0=Lynx proxcard table, 1=pre-XA 4.11, 2=XA 4.11 and above

RequireAdminRole and AdminRoleName

When RequireAdminRole is set to true, then Lynx will only allow those users who are members of the Windows group specified in the AdminRoleName setting to log into the Lynx Admin web app. If the RequireAdminRole setting is false, then anyone with a valid Windows login will be able to login to the Lynx Admin web app. These two settings only affect who can log in to the Lynx Admin web app. They do not affect who can use their prox card, etc.

Database Type

  • Embedded database
    • Lynx comes with an embedded database that is suitable for smaller deployments, PoC, and demo environments. When you use this option there is no need to have a separate database server because Lynx will instead store data in its embedded database file. This makes deployment easier and less expensive but does not provide a highly-available environment and may be at risk of data loss if the embedded database file is corrupted or deleted. All that is necessary to use this option is to set the DatabaseType setting (in the config.ini file) to 0. When the DatabaseType is set to 0, the DatabaseServer, DatabaseName settings are ignored.
  • SQL Server database
    • Lynx will also work with SQL Server (see Requirements), with or without also using ExactAccess (XA). If you are installing Lynx to use in conjunction with ExactAccess (XA) then Lynx should be configured to use the same database as XA. To configure Lynx to use the same database as XA, use these settings in config.ini:
    • DatabaseType=1
    • DatabaseServer=(XA database server name)
    • DatabaseName=(XA database name)
    • ProxCardTableType=1 (pre-XA 4.11) or 2 (XA 4.11 and above)

If you will be using an embedded database, you can skip steps 3, 4, and 5 and go directly to Test.

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