Unique Session Mode Settings
  • 04 Mar 2024
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Unique Session Mode Settings

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Article summary

This section discusses Unique Session Mode (USM) and the workflows it supports, as well as the settings that are required to enable QwickAccess for IGEL to use this mode on an IGEL endpoint. Unique Session Mode (USM) is one of the two modes of operation that are supported by QwickAccess for IGEL, the other being Shared Session Mode (SSM).


In addition to USM settings, you must also set the required Basic Settings.

When QwickAccess for IGEL is configured to be in USM and a user walks up to the IGEL endpoint and taps their enrolled badge, they will be logged into a Citrix session with the user account that is associated with the badge. In other words, the Citrix session is unique to the user account associated with the badge. The user can then move to another IGEL endpoint with QwickAccess for IGEL installed and configured to be in USM and tap their badge. This would then disconnect the user’s session from the first IGEL endpoint and connect it to the second IGEL endpoint. In other words, when the two endpoints are in USM the user’s Citrix session roams (or follows) the user and is unique to the user.

USM supports tap-in, tap-to-lock and tap-over workflows. It also supports badge self-registration and automatic lock and logoff.

A Unique Session Mode session that is logged off is only disconnected from the IGEL endpoint and therefore may still be running on the Citrix server.

By default, QwickAccess for IGEL is configured to run in USM. If you wish to use this mode you would not need to make any settings changes to QwickAccess to IGEL beyond the Basic Settings. However, you may wish to change some USM settings to customize QwickAccess for IGEL for your environment. In this case, the All Settings page contains a description of all the settings that are available for QwickAccess for IGEL.

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