FAQ #3: How to enable logging for xaLogoffCleanup
  • 27 Sep 2022
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FAQ #3: How to enable logging for xaLogoffCleanup

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Article summary

How to enable logging for xaLogoffCleanup for eXactACCESS?

To enable logging for xaLogoffCleanup for eXactACCESS follow these steps:

  1. Open this path in registry:
    • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\LogoffCleanup Settings
  2. Add a string value named "LoggingEnabled" and set it to "true" (no quotes).
  3. The log file will appear in %AppData%\HealthCast\xalogoffCleanup folder with name LogoffCleanup.trace.

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