FAQ #2: How to configure the RunAs Connector
  • 01 Feb 2024
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FAQ #2: How to configure the RunAs Connector

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Article summary

Question 2: How to configure xaRunAs connector?


To configure xaRunAs connector in XA-4.14 or greater, follow these steps:

  1. Download xaHelper.exe, xaRunas.xml & xaRunas.exe attached here with this document.


  1. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\wrappers\ path and create a folder with name as xaRunas and paste those three files inside xaRunas folder.
  2. Log into XA as a user with permissions to use the ExactAccess Administrator application.
  3. Right-click the application in the Applications Frame and select Enable New Application and enter the following information:
    • Application Type: Library
    • Enter Display Name: The name of the control item as it will show up in XA and on XA Desktop. This should be something meaningful to the users.
    • Enter Application ID: Select Generate ID.
    • Enter Application Executable: xaRunAs.exe
    • Enter Application Command line Parameters: Enter path of Chrome/Edge then a pipe sign without any space then enter the exact URL of the SSO site (without double quotes) like “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe|https://controlpayadvanced.com/welcome.aspx”.
    • Check the box next to Active Directory Passthrough.
    • User name format: select username@domain
    • Select OK.
  4. Once an application has been enabled and registered within ExactAccess, it will appear as a Control Item in the Applications Frame and is available to be clicked and dragged onto the Organization Map. So, select the application and drag it on the Organization Map and click Yes to confirm.
  5. Right-click the application in the organization map, then select Add Roles(s) to this item.
  6. Enter the role name and select Find. Highlight the correct AD Group and select OK.
  7. Now refresh XA to get xaRunAs setting in registry.
  8. Now, open Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\Applications path in Registry Editor.
  9. Set C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\wrappers\xaRunas\xaRunAs.exe path as a value in xaRunAs.exe setting in right panel. Note: Also confirm that on this same registry setting, the path of Chrome and Edge should be set, if not already.
  10. By completing these steps the xaRunAs connector would be configured and when you click connector link from XA-Desktop, it will open in new browser (chrome/edge) instance.

Issues on Windows-11 While Configuring xaRunAs Connector:

After configuring xaRunAs connector on Windows-11 environment, if it not works when you click on connector site link on XA-Desktop and xaRunAs.exe is running in Task Manager.

Reason: The domain controller can't be contacted, so the account credentials can't be validated. Actually, in general if windows does not able to contact with DC then Windows can use cached credentials, which allows you to log into the PC without the DC but in case of xaRunAs that probably doesn't work when switching users because the logic in the Windows API probably bypasses the cache and attempts to contact the DC to authenticate in this request, and, since it can't be contacted, it returns an error.

Solution: These types of machines probably need to be removed & then re-added to the domain. This solution should be implemented by Domain Administrator.

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