- DarkLight
VDI VMware
ExactAccess supports additional "remote" installations in a full Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) configuration. This configuration must be specified at the time of installation to distinguish the behavior when using Windows desktops hosted on a virtual machine server. If you are hosting the VDI guest in VMware ESXi and are connecting to this desktop using VMware View client, install the client in the guest operating system using the VMware option.
If you are installing the client in a VDI desktop with redirected prox card readers, then you should use the Kiosk Mode deployment or Passthroughoptions instead. VDI installation disables the prox functionality of the XA client as it is assumed the end point device connecting to this desktop will handle the tap-in and out features. VDI installations are intended to support being able to roam the session to any end point device.
Interactive Installation
Interactive Installation is not supported when installing within a virtual machine intended for VDI when hosted by VMware. ExactAccess does not allow for setting the VDI mode from the GUI.
Follow the command line installation instructions below to install for this mode.
After installation, Note that the General Tab does not have a change mode - other settings may be set using the ExactAccess Client Configuration Tool.
Command Line Installation
From an administrative command prompt (or remote deployment package), execute the ExactAccess client install with the appropriate command line parameters.
- Set kiosk mode: XA_MODE=5
- Set the SSO server: XA_SRV=name of server
- Set to use auditSERVER: XA_AUDIT_SRV=name of server
- Set to use Deploy server: X_D_SRV=name of server
- Set workstation deployment group: X_D_GRPS=groups to add workstation to in HCIDeploy
- Disable running configuration tool after install/upgrade:** X_RUN_CONFIG=0**
Command line deployment
ExactAccess client supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating system. Choose the appropriate installation MSI for the operating system
For 32-bit clients: HealthCast ExactAccess Client.msi
For 64-bit clients: HealthCast ExactAccess Client x64.msi
msiexec /i "HealthCast ExactAccess Client.msi" XA_MODE=5 XA_SRV=myServer XA_AUDIT_SRV=myServer X_D_SRV=myServer X_D_GRPS=Standard X_RUN_CONFIG=0 /qn
Registry Settings
Server Connection Properties
Per-User Inactivity timeouts
It is now possible for each user session to have a customized lock and logoff timeouts independent of other users timeouts by modifying the following keys in the users/session profile registry:
LockTimeLimit: reg_dword = 60
LogoffTimeLimit: reg_dword = 240