  • 29 Mar 2023
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Configure Server Type

  • QwickACCESS Server
  • HC ProxAuth Server
  • Advanced

HC ProxAuth Server


Proximity Card Server Options

Settings made with the QwickACCESS Client Configuration Tool will not take effect until the next time QwickACCESS is started.

HC ProxAuth Server settings

  1. Server hostname or IP address:
    • The default "YOUR_PROX_SERVER_ADDRESS_HERE" server name should be modified to the name or the IP address of the server you are using to host the HC ProxAuth Server software.
  2. Test Connection
    • The Test Connection button is provided as a means to ensure that your HC ProxAuth Server Connection has been properly set-up and is working correctly. Please test your connection after changing ANY settings in this section.

Allowable bit counts

  1. Allow ALL cards:
    1. This setting will allow ALL cards with common bit counts (normally 26-bit through 64-bit cards). This is the default setting. For heightened security, we recommend that you only allow cards with bit counts that are used in your environment.
  2. Allow only cards with specific bit counts.
    1. You can set the allowable bit count numbers here. After selecting the radio button, click Add to enter a specific bit count. Continue to add only the bit counts that you want to allow to have access; all cards without the bit counts listed here will be restricted. For example, specify 26 and 32 bits if those are the only cards that you are using. We recommend this for environments where heightened security is desired.

Advanced Check Box


QwickACCESS only requires the advanced settings in these special cases:

  1. The QwickACCESS Server or the HC ProxAuth Server has been configured to use non-default ports.
    1. The default ports used by QwickACCESS Server
      1. 8339
      2. 8340
    2. The default ports used by HC ProxAuth Server:
      1. 30001
      2. 20001
  2. Some network environments are faster than others; in environments with higher latentcy the HC ProxAuth timeout setting may have to be increased to compensate for slower connection times. The default time out setting is 15 seconds
  3. Different servers are required for storing proximity card data and to authenticate users.
  4. There are server configurations that do not require a QwickACCESS or HC ProxAuth Server for QwickACCESS to demonstrate its functionality.

Consult with your IA representative for further information on how and when to use the QwickACCESS server advanced settings.

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