Manual Configuration
  • 06 Jun 2022
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Manual Configuration

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Manual Configuration

When manually adding a domain to the Domains registry value, ensure that you use the correct NetBIOS name of the domain and enter it in all upper case letters.

Create a sub-key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HealthCast\ExactAccess\XADSNT\Servers using the same name as entered in the domain's registry value.

Create and fill in the following values in this new key:

LDAP: reg_sz = the LDAP Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the domain (not including the workstation) - for example DC=gohealthcast,DC=com

Note: The DC= portion of the FQDN must be in uppercase. The case of the value does not matter. Do not use spaces between any of the characters or values.

SID: reg_sz = the Domain SID. This can be retrieved (using PowerShell) from a non-built-in user account (do not user guest or administrative account to look this value up. Use an account that has been created specifically for your organization after the domain was set up. Ensure that the Relative ID (RID) portion of the user is not entered as part of the domain SID.

Get text sid

$d="a sam account name on the domain"
Get-ADObject -Filter * -Properties ObjectSid,samaccountname | where {$_.samaccountname -eq $d}

Note: The Get-ADObject requires access to Active Directory Cmdlets.

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