Logoff Cleanup Integration
  • 24 Mar 2023
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Logoff Cleanup Integration

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Article summary

Logoff Cleanup Configuration

Logoff Cleanup is used to close any opened programs when the user logs out of ExactAccess. Any programs that are closed are not closed gracefully and no work will be saved.

Windows® Application

To add an application to be closed by the Logoff Cleanup, add the exe to the WatchList. This is done by adding a key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ExactAccess\LogoffCleanup Settings\WatchList named for the exe to be closed, for example: To close MS Word name the key “WINWORD.EXE”.


If you need an application to close, and all prompts be suppressed, add a string value to the key created above named “Force” that will force the process to close.


This is an ungraceful termination that could lead to data corruption, and should only be used when necessary.

Internet Explorer® Browser

To close all opened Internet Explorer windows you only need to add the following string value to the registry the following registry key (This is the default setting upon installation of the XA client):




To exclude certain URLs, such as a Tracking Board, first set the "DisableCloseIE" registry setting to "true" to stop SnapApp from automatically closing all IE processes on log off, then add string values named for the URLs you wish to exclude to the ExcludedURLs registry key:

WebSSO\Sessions\Advanced Settings]

LogoffCleanup Settings\InternetExplorer\ExcludedURLs]"

Configure ExactAccess to run Logoff Cleanup

To configure Logoff Cleanup to run when ExactAccess closes add a value named “logoffCleanup.clsEventNotify” to the notification registry key:


Other Browsers

Behavior changes can be configured for SnapApp browsers other than Internet Explorer in these keys:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ExactAccess\SnapAPP Settings\ExcludedURLs
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ExactAccess\SnapAPP Settings\IncludePopupUrls

The steps for Excluding URLs is the same, but the path in the registry is different for the new browsers being supported.

Enabling Popup confirmation to save credentials works similarly to excluding URLs: Create a value name as the URL you want to prompt for confirmation before saving credentials. If the URL does not exist in this location, the credentials are automatically saved, without prompting the user to confirm saving them.

Logoff Script

Logoff Cleanup supports launching command shell associated scripts (i.e. .bat, .vbs, .ps1) or an executable for added flexibility.

To launch a script on log off add a key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ExactAccess\LogoffCleanup Settings\LogoffScript named for the script you wish to run.


Add a string value to the key named “Path” that contains the absolute path to the script. If there are command line arguments to pass to the script add a string value named “Param” to the key that contains the parameters to pass to the script.

Requirements: Logoff Cleanup uses the TaskKill command to terminate applications during logoff. If this command is not available, not all of the configured applications will close.

Enable Logging for xalogoffcleanup

To add instructions to enable logging:

  1. In the registry key, enter Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\LogoffCleanup Settings.
  2. Add a string value named LoggingEnabled and set it to true.
  3. The log file will appear in the %AppData%\HealthCast\xalogoffCleanup folder as LogoffCleanup.trace.

Windows PowerShell Scripts

Windows 10 sets the default app for ps1 files to Notepad as a security precaution. This method is used to run the script, rather than opening myScript.ps1 in Notepad.

To pass the script name as a parameter rather than running a script file, run PowerShell:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ExactAccess\LogoffCleanup Settings\LogoffScript\powershell.exe]


Param=-executionPolicy bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -file "C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\ExactAccess\wrappers\xaLogoffCleanup\MyScript.ps1"


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