How to Ensure Auditing is Enabled in Your XA Environment
  • 27 Jul 2023
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How to Ensure Auditing is Enabled in Your XA Environment

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Article summary

This article explains how to:

  1. Verify whether Auditing is enabled and running properly on an XA server 
  2. Verify whether Auditing is enabled and running properly on an XA Client

Applies To:

  • All versions of XA Server 4.12.5 and higher
  • All versions of XA Client 4.12.5  and higher

Steps to verify Auditing is enabled on an XA Server 

On a server with XA 4.12.5  or higher installed (refer to the online XA Product Documentation for instructions on how to install XA Server):

  1. Verify the Audit Server service is enabled and running
    1. Run Services.msc and verify that 
      1. The HCI auditSERVER Service is running and that the Startup Type is set to Automatic.
      2. The HCI auditSERVER Service  is running under a domain account
  2. Verify the Database connection is correct
    1. Open the HCI Server Configuration Tool (C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\hciserverconfigure.exe) as a user with local administrator privileges
    2. Select the Database button
    3. Select the auditServer tab
    4. Verify that the Server(s) and Data Link Properties are correct and that you can successfully connect to the database (you must be running as a user that has access to the Audit database in order to successfully connect). If no database is configured, refer to the XA Server Installation documentation.
  3. Verify that Audit Data is is being written to the database
    1. Login to XA from a client system that has been configured to use Audit Server.
    2. Connect to the Audit Server database using a tool such as SQL Server Management Studio
    3. Open a Query Windows and query the latest records written to Audit Server using the following SQL code example. Replace the 'DOMAIN/MACHINENAME' with the domain name and machine name of the XA client system from step "a".
    4. Verify whether new audit data from the XA Client system was written to the the Audit table. If it was not, there is a problem either with the Audit Server configuration on the XA Server, or with the Audit settings on the XA Client system.
    5. PL/SQL
      SELECT TOP 100 time_start
        FROM staging WHERE user_mach_name = 'DOMAIN/MACHINENAME'
        ORDER BY time_start desc

Steps to verify Auditing is enabled on an XA Client

  1. On an XA Client system, open the eXactACCESS Client Configuration utility as a user with local administrator privileges.
  2. Select the AuditServer tab
  3. Verify whether there are auditServer Servers listed. If there are not AuditServer servers listed, you will need to add them. To add a server
    1. Click the + button
    2. Enter the name of the Audit server and click OK
  4. Test connectivity to the Audit Server
    1. Select an Audit Server from the list of auditSERVER servers
    2. Click the Test Connectionbutton 
      1. If the connection fails, no audit data will be sent to the Audit Server.
  5. Login to XA on the client system. This will trigger an Audit event.
  6. Check the AuditServer database to verify that audit data is being sent properly to the Audit Server (see previous section).


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