How to automatically configure RFIdeas badge readers using HWG+ files
  • 04 Jun 2024
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How to automatically configure RFIdeas badge readers using HWG+ files

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Article summary

This article describes how to automatically configure RFIdeas badge readers using HWG+ files. The process consists of two steps:

  1. Generate an HWG+ (hardware configuration) file with the desired configuration
  2. Deploy the HWG+ file
  3. Update the XA Client registry settings

Generate an HWG+ file

  1. Download and install the RFIdeas pcProxConfig utility from the RFIdeas web site.
  2. Run the pcProxConfig utility
    1. IMPORTANT: Ensure that you have a compatible badge reader attached to your system!
  3. Make any desired changes to the badge reader configuration
  4. Save the configuration ("Write Settings") to the badge reader
  5. Save the configuration to an HWG+ file

Deploy the HWG+ file

  1. Copy the new HWG+ file to the location you want to have it stored (e.g. network file share, or local drive and folder).

Update the XA Registry with the location of the HWG+ file

On a system with XA Client installed:

  1. Open regedit
  2. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ProxCardClient registry key
  3. Verify whether the HWGConfig setting exists or not. If it does not, create a new reg_sz setting and name it HWGConfig.
  4. Enter the full path and name of the HWG+ file you wish to have applied to the badge reader (see example below).
  5. XA will apply the new hwg+ configuration the next time the HCI ProxCard Client Service restarts (e.g. after a system reboot). You may also restart the service manually to apply the HWG+ file.

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