How to assign XA Toolbar Favorites using Roles
  • 29 Dec 2022
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How to assign XA Toolbar Favorites using Roles

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Article summary


I want to assign specific "Favorites" on the XA Toolbar for users based on roles.


XA Toolbar Favorites can be added to (or removed from) a group of users using the ExactACCESS Administrator tool.

Assign Favorites Using Roles

  1. Open the XA Administrator Utility

  2. Locate the XA Role that contains the users that will receive the added favorite(s).

  3. Right click the Role and select Add favorites to users....

  4. In the window that appears, select the applications that will be displayed as favorites from the left list, and click the "+" button to add them to the list on the right.

  5. If desired, the order of favorites can be changed by using the arrow buttons next to the list on the right.

    1. NOTE: If a user belonging to the group already has a particular application set as a favorite, adding the same favorite will not re-order or duplicate the application on the favorites bar.
    2. NOTE: To see changes, users belonging to this group will need to perform a Refresh Desktop, or logoff and log back in to XA.

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