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  • 30 Mar 2023
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General Tab

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General Tab


Allow users to tap their badges while the Ctrl-Alt-Delete screen is showing###

When checked, enables the ability for users to tap their badges when the Ctrl-Alt-Delete screen is displayed

Automate the Windows legal notice screen

Checking this will allow users to automatically pass through the Windows legal notice screen when they use their badges to tap in

Log off on tap out

If this setting is checked, the user will be logged off when they tap out


This logoff event will be non-graceful, meaning all applications will be immediately closed and any unsaved work will be lost.

If this setting is not checked, when a user taps out, their session will be secured and left running in the background.


The user session will expire upon Windows logout timeout.

Beep whenever a user taps a badge

If this setting is checked, an audible beep will sound when a badge is used to tap in or out


If this setting is checked and the card reader is also configured to beep when a badge is tapped, you will need to configure the card reader itself to not produce a beep. Otherwise, you will have two similar sounds each time a badge is tapped

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