XA Backwards Compatibility by Release
  • 31 Jul 2023
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XA Backwards Compatibility by Release

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Article summary

ExactAccess ('XA') Server

4.14.x, 4.13.x, 4.12.x, 4.11.x

  • Backwards-compatible with all 4.x versions of the XA client

In most instances, an older XA client will continue to function with a new XA server version. However, additional features provided by the server may not fully function as intended. For example, the HCIDeploy Publisher management application from 4.10 and earlier will not function properly with the 4.11 or higher server version. In these cases, the client must use a matched version of the server. For instance, if you are using the XA toolbar from a 4.10 client - then you cannot use the 4.10 client pointed to a 4.11 server - you must use a 4.11 client pointed to a 4.11 server and leave the 4.10 client pointed to a 4.10 server. The data changes are incompatible between versions.

ExactAccess ('XA') Client

4.14.x, 4.13.x, 4.12.x, 4.11.x

  • Backwards-compatible with all 4.x versions of the XA Server

In most instances, a new XA client will continue to function with older XA server versions. However, additional features provided by the client may not fully function without the latest server version. For example, the HCIDeploy Publisher management application from 4.11 will not function properly unless the server is 4.11 or higher. A 4.10 HCI Deploy publisher will also not correctly function against a 4.11 server - it must remain pointed to a 4.10 server. A 4.10 HCIDeploy client will still pull updates from a 4.11 server, but cannot be managed by newer tools, and the 4.10 management tools cannot be used to maintain the server. In the case of the XA toolbar, you cannot use the 4.10 client pointed to a 4.11 server - you must use a 4.11 client pointed to a 4.11 server and leave the 4.10 client pointed to a 4.10 server. The data changes are incompatible between versions.

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