XA Server Logging
  • 06 Jun 2022
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XA Server Logging

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Article summary

XA Server Logging


Depending on the kind of problem you are troubleshooting, logging will need to be enabled for specific XA Server components.


This document explains how to enable logging for different XA Server troubleshooting situations.


  1. General XA Server Troubleshooting
  2. Badge Server Service Troubleshooting
  3. Audit Server Service Troubleshooting
  4. Remote Authentication Troubleshooting

General eXactACCESS File Logging

Most XA Client and Server executable (exe files) will generate logs based on the settings contained in corresponding ini files. For instance, to enable logging for xaucm.exe:

  1. Open Notepad (or another text editor) as an administrator.
  2. Using Notepad, browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS folder and open the xaucm.exe.ini file:
  3. Set information=1 in the debug section.
  4. Save the changes to xaucm.exe.ini.
    NOTE: Some XA executables will recognize the change to their ini file and immediately start logging, while others will need to be restarted before they recognize the change
  5. Log files are written to this location and file:
    1. C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\logs
    2. xaucm.txt.debuglog

General XA Server Troubleshooting

The primary eXactACCESS (Single Sign-on) functions are performed by the HCI eXactACCESS Server service. This service is responsible for handling XA client requests, interaction with AD, database access, and other essential SSO functions. 

Enable HCI eXactACCESS Server Logging

To enable logging for the HCI ExactACCESS Server service:

  1. Open Notepad (or another text editor) as an administrator.
  2. Using Notepad, browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS folder and open the eXactACCESSServer.exe.ini file:
  3. Set information=1 in the debug section.
  4. Save the changes to eXactACCESSServer.exe.ini.
  5. Restart the HCI eXactACCESS Server service.
  6. Log files are written to this location and file (NOTE: Some XA executables will recognize the change to their ini file and immediately start logging, while others will need to be restarted before they recognize the change).
    1. C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\logs
    2. eXactACCESSServer.txt.debuglog

Badge Server Service Troubleshooting

Enable ProxCard Server Logging

The primary executable that manages badge functionality is the HCI ProxCard Server service. This service is responsible for handling client badge requests, interaction with AD, database access (including clearing user passwords if password expiration is configured), and other essential badge management functions. To enable logging for the ProxCard Server service:

  1. Open Notepad (or another text editor) as an administrator.
  2. Using Notepad, browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS folder and open the hchidserver.exe.ini file:
  3. Set information=1 in the debug section.
  4. Save the changes to hchidserver.exe.ini.
  5. Restart the ProxCard Server service.
  6. Log files are written to this location and file (NOTE: Some XA executables will recognize the change to their ini file and immediately start logging, while others will need to be restarted before they recognize the change).
    1. C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\logs
    2. HCProxCardServer.txt.debuglog

Audit Server Service Troubleshooting

Enable HCI auditSERVER Server service Logging

The primary executable that manages audit functionality is the HCI auditSERVER Server service. This service is responsible for responding to audit messages from client workstations and writing them to the configured Audit database. To enable logging for the auditSERVER Server service:

  1. Open Notepad (or another text editor) as an administrator.
  2. Using Notepad, browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS folder and open the HealthCastAuditServer.exe.ini file:
  3. Set information=1 in the debug section.
  4. Save the changes to HealthCastAuditServer.exe.ini
  5. Restart the HCI auditSERVER Server service.
  6. Log files are written to this location and file (NOTE: Some XA executables will recognize the change to their ini file and immediately start logging, while others will need to be restarted before they recognize the change).
    1. C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\logs
    2. HCLFOAuditing.txt.debuglog

HCI Remote Authentication Service Troubleshooting

Enable HCI Remote Authentication Server service Logging

The primary executable that manages remote authentication functionality is the HCI Remote Authentication Server service. This service is responsible for responding to authentication requests from client workstations. To enable logging for the HCI Remote Authentication Server service:

  1. Open Notepad (or another text editor) as an administrator.
  2. Using Notepad, browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS folder and open the hcremotesessiondirectory.exe.ini file:
  3. Set information=1 in the debug section.
  4. Save the changes to hcremotesessiondirectory.exe.ini.
  5. Restart the HCI Remote Authentication Server service.
  6. Log files are written to this location and file (NOTE: Some XA executables will recognize the change to their ini file and immediately start logging, while others will need to be restarted before they recognize the change).
    1. C:\ProgramData\HealthCast\logs
    2. hcremotesessiondirectory.txt.debuglog

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