Stored Badge Password Cleared in Under 120 Minutes
  • 02 Jun 2022
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Stored Badge Password Cleared in Under 120 Minutes

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Stored Badge Password Cleared in Under 120 Minutes


Password expiration is set to 120 minutes on the XA Server, but users' passwords are being cleared in under ## minutes.


  1. In multiple-server scenarios, badge timeout on one or more of the servers is set to less than 120 minutes
  2. XA Servers pointed to the wrong DB
  3. Client systems pointing to the incorrect ProxCard server 

POSSIBLE CAUSE #1: Badge Timeout Set Incorrectly

In multiple-server scenarios, badge timeout on one or more of the servers is set to less than 120 minutes. 

To verify whether this is the issue, check each XA server and verify that this registry setting is set to the correct value:


You can also check this value by running the HCI Server Configuration utility, and noting the value of the "Allowable Inactivity Time (Minutes)" setting:

The HCI ProxCard Server service will clear passwords for users based on the lowest server value. For instance, if you have three XA Servers and MinutesToKeepPasswords is set to 120 on two of the servers and 5 on the third server, the HCI ProxCard Server service will clear all user passwords older than 5 minutes in the proxcard database. If any of the XA servers have MinutesToKeepPasswords to 0, then no passwords will be stored.


Ensure each of the XA Servers have MinutesToKeepPasswords all set to the correct value.

POSSIBLE CAUSE #2: Servers Pointing to Wrong Database

In multiple-server scenarios, it is possible that one of the servers is pointing to a different database, causing erratic results. You can check this value by running the HCI Server Configuration utility and checking the configured database on each server:


Ensure each of the XA Servers is pointing to the same ProxCard database.

POSSIBLE CAUSE #3: Client Systems Pointing to Incorrect ProxCard Server

Some customers have multiple XA Servers that are configured differently (e.g. Production vs Test). A client system could be mis-configured and point to the wrong XA (ProxCard) server.


Ensure the XA Clients are pointing to the correct XA (ProxCard) Server by checking this registry setting:


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