Release 4.12.4 Server
  • 17 Aug 2023
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Release 4.12.4 Server

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Article summary

Note: This contains all release notes from prior versions that were released up to 4.12.4

**Identity Automation's HealthCast customers are recommended to have Exact Access version 4.12.4 and above installed at this time. 

Key Fix

  • eXactACCESS Server has been updated to support Windows Server 2019.

Releases prior and their key fixes:

  • Release 4.12.2
    • Fixed issue where repeated communication errors sent to the Windows event log caused high CPU utilization affecting server response times.
  • Release 4.12.1
    • Fixed issue where CPU usage rose due to an error in which event logging significantly increased and affected client response times
  • Release 4.12.0
    • The Deploy server service no longer sits idle with connected clients or requires a hard reset when receiving new requests.
  • Release 4.11.6
    • Notable Improvement: Internal caching can be disabled, and is recommended when connecting to large domains (directory object count >; 500,000) to reduce network load to the XA servers.
    • Fixes
      • Users no longer have to wait for full cache to populate to log on against the XA Server.
      • Command to get license status no longer fails to send data to local machine.
      • An enrolled proximity card will now be deleted when an AD account is deleted.
      • Orphaned threads are now recognized and removed to avoid extra memory consumption.
      • HCIDeploy Service no longer queries all of the package table data on every synchronization
  • Release 4.11.4
    • Notable Improvement: The default display name type has been changed for new installations, provided the value must match when performing an upgrade or adding new servers to an existing configuration. Follow the instructions in Upgrade to migrate to the new version. See also the ProxCard Database Configuration as well as the SSO/eXactACCESS Database Configuration for more information.
    • Fixes
      • Retrieval of parent groups to support nested security group retrieval has been resolved, allowing users to complete login.
      • The PROX_LEGACY encryption mode for the Prox Card Server now saves the user's password in the appropriate format.
      • NexusDB error no longer keeps the XA Server from using all available RAM.

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