Move Badge Data From a QAS SQL Database to a Lynx Database
  • 21 Sep 2023
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Move Badge Data From a QAS SQL Database to a Lynx Database

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Article summary

Move Badge Data from a QAS (QwickAccess Server) SQL Database to a Lynx Database


Customers upgrading from QAS to Lynx would like to import the username/badge associations from the QAS database into the Lynx database.


This document explains how to import the QAS prox/user associations from the QAS database to the Lynx database.


  1. This only applies to customers who have a QAS SQL database.
  2. Users must have access to the QAS SQL database.
  3. The new Lynx database has already been created.


  1. Open SQL Management Studio (or a similar utility that will allow you to connect to run SQL queries).
  2. Connect to both the new Lynx database and the old QAS database.
  3. Select the Lynx database.
  4. Create a new query.
  5. Use the following syntax to import the records from the old QAS database into the Lynx database (update QADB in the text to the name of the QwickAccess database):
    INSERT INTO [Lynx].[dbo].[ProxCardUsers] (BitCount, IsDisabled, CardID, LogOnTo, PIN, TimeStampUtc, Username)
    SELECT BitCount, 0, SerialNumber, LogOnTo, PIN, TimeStamp, Username
    FROM [QADB].[dbo].[ProxCards]

6. Run the query.

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