Audit Monitor v1.0 - Any Report that Includes "In Month X" does not go Higher than 2020
  • 21 Sep 2023
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Audit Monitor v1.0 - Any Report that Includes "In Month X" does not go Higher than 2020

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Article summary

Audit Monitor v1.0: Any Report that Includes "In Month X" does not go Later than 2020


When using one of the following reports in Audit Monitor, the date selection does not allow a year higher than 2020 to be selected:

  • What Applications Are Used The Most In Month X?
  • What PCs Are Used The Most In Month X?
  • XA How Many Audit Messages in Month X?
  • XA How Many Parameter Saves By Users In Month X?
  • XA How Many Parameter Updates In Month X?
  • XA How Many Password Updates by Users In Month X?

There isn't anywhere in the database or local config files where this can be changed.

Root Cause:

The year 2020 is hardcoded in Audit Monitor version 1.0


A fix for this issue will be included in the next release of Audit Monitor. Until a new version is released, this kind of data will need to be queried directly from the Audit database. SQL examples for querying the Audit database can be found on the XA Server(s) in the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\SQL\MSSQL\audit directory.

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