Release 4.11.6 Client
  • 06 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release 4.11.6 Client

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Article summary

New Features and Enhancements

  • Added an auto submit function to WebSSO for NTLM logins.
  • Desktop favorites are now automatically removed from the user's list if the application is not defined in eXactACCESS and administrators no longer need to remove the link left behind on the user's toolbar.

Issues Resolved

  • Scripting command p_oScript.SendMassageToUser is functional with .Net Connectors.
  • rdpConnect is functional on Windows 7 and launches an RDP window to allow for connection to the configured remote desktop server.
  • User will now be able to tap-over "Password about to expire" dialog in locking Kiosk Mode without the need to reboot.
  • The badge tap-in screen is no longer covered by a blank screen if a user clicks outside of the login screen.
  • SnapAPP now supports submit buttons in a span element.
  • Valid user data now passes to Epic when the XA client is configured for "pass-through authentication only".
  • Settings added to allow USB microphones connected to the workstation to pass into RDP session.
  • Message order processing for unlock/lock has been corrected to be processed in the proper order when badge tapping, thus preventing automatically locking a session that has just unlocked.
  • Addressed extended delay in screen load upon tap-in.
  • SnapAPP will now auto login once credentials are entered.
  • Addressed Access Violation dialog error on wrong password in Kiosk Mode.
  • hciwebplugin.dll signed with 4.11.6.
  • XA Toolbar no longer disappears upon laptop undocking.
  • Addressed badge Tap-in error which relocked the user's computer after Tap-in on single session SUM.
  • Credential Manager and auto logoff no longer cause slow login.
  • Applications that do not exist on the workstation will no longer show in the favorite's list.
  • Windows broadcast messages during unlock/reconnect instances no longer block in autologoff, or cause a delay in reconnection.
  • Surround SCM configured with SnapAPP now launches properly. The message that indicates eXactACCESS has stopped responding no longer pops up and the user's credentials are properly filled in.
  • HorzRule3-black.png
  • Online and PDF documentation updated to cover the update for pubLauncherSF.exe to use registry settings and environment variable to configure for generic login.
  • SnapAPP automatically logs into the Citrix Netscaler website.

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