Step 6: Deploy and Test
  • 04 Mar 2024
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Step 6: Deploy and Test

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Article summary


To deploy QwickAccess for IGEL to your IGEL endpoints,

  1. Plug a supported RFID reader into each of the endpoints on which QwickAccess for IGEL will be deployed.

  2. Open and log into the IGEL UMS Console app.

  3. Locate the Citrix connection profile under the Profiles node of the Console app.

  4. Drag and drop the profile onto an IGEL endpoint or group of endpoints within the Console app.

  5. Locate the QwickAccess for IGEL - Version 1.3.0 profile under the Profiles node of the Console app.

  6. Drag and drop the profile onto an IGEL endpoint or group of endpoints within the Console app.

If you are deploying QwickAccess for IGEL in Shared Session Mode (SSM), then you also need to deploy unique Citrix account credentials to those endpoints. This is accomplished by deploying the credentials to each of the SSM endpoints via the individual profiles that you created.


The following steps are suggested to aid in determining if the solution has been properly deployed. The first set of steps are for a Unique Session Mode deployment. The second set is for a Shared Session Mode (SSM) Workflow 1 deployment.

Unique Session Mode Deployment Test Steps

The following steps will help you determine if QwickAccess for IGEL is properly deployed in Unique Session Mode (USM) on an IGEL endpoint. Please note that these steps cover the basic functionality of QwickAccess for IGEL when deployed in USM. However, there may be other tests that you wish to perform that are not covered here before deploying across your organization.


These steps assume that QwickAccess for IGEL is configured for USM and that all other settings are at their default values.

  1. Make sure a supported RFID reader is plugged into the IGEL endpoint.

  2. Restart the IGEL endpoint.

  3. The QwickAccess for IGEL app should start automatically after the reboot and display the “TAP YOUR BADGE” screen.

  4. Tap your badge on the RFID reader.

  5. If this is the first time you have used the solution, you should be prompted for your username and password.

  6. Enter your username and password and click OK.

  7. Citrix should launch automatically and you should be logged in.

  8. Use your Citrix session as you normally would.

  9. Now, tap your badge on the RFID reader again.

  10. QwickAccess for IGEL should lock and display its Privacy Screen.

  11. Tap again. QwickAccess for IGEL should unlock and display your Citrix session as you left it before you locked the session.

  12. Tap again to lock the session.

  13. Now wait until the session is automatically logged off. There is a count down timer on the Privacy Screen that tells you how much time is left before the session is logged off.

  14. After the time expires, QwickAccess for IGEL should log off the Citrix session and return to the “TAP YOUR BADGE” screen.

  15. Optional: If you have a second user, you can also try tapping over one another.

If all these steps are completed successfully then the test is successful. On the other hand, if the test is not successful see the Troubleshooting page for help.

Shared Session Mode (Workflow 1) Deployment Test Steps

The following steps will help you determine if QwickAccess for IGEL is properly deployed in Shared Session Mode (SSM) using Workflow 1 on an IGEL endpoint. Please note that these steps cover the basic functionality of QwickAccess for IGEL when deployed in SSM. However, there may be other tests that you wish to perform that are not covered here before deploying across your organization.


These steps assume QwickAccess for IGEL is configured for SSM Workflow 1 and that all other settings are at their default values.

  1. Make sure a supported RFID reader is plugged into the IGEL endpoint.

  2. Restart the IGEL endpoint.

  3. The QwickAccess for IGEL app should start automatically after the reboot.

  4. Citrix should start and get logged in.

  5. Epic Hyperdrive should launch and be visible on the desktop.

  6. Tap your badge on the RFID reader.

  7. If this is the first time you have used the solution, you should be prompted for your username and password.

  8. Enter your username and password and click OK.

  9. You should be logged into Hyperdrive.

  10. Tap your badge again.

  11. Hyperdrive should be secured.

  12. Tap again. Hyperdrive should be unsecured and you should be back at the point you were.

  13. Now wait until the session is automatically locked. Hyperdrive should be secured.

  14. Tap again to unsecure Hyperdrive.

  15. Optional: If a second user is available, you can also try tapping over one another.

If all these steps are completed successfully then the test is successful. On the other hand, if the test is not successful see the Troubleshooting page for help.

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