Badges Not Registered When Pointing to XA 4.11.x Server
  • 06 Dec 2022
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Badges Not Registered When Pointing to XA 4.11.x Server

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Article summary

Badges Not Registered When Pointing to XA 4.11.x Server

After upgrading from version 4.10.x to version 4.11.x or 4.12.x of XA Server, users can no longer register badges.


  1. On a workstation pointed to XA 4.10.x server (expected behavior):
    1. User taps an unregistered badge
    2. User is prompted to register badge (enter username and password)
    3. User logs out
    4. User taps in on another workstation in under "x" number of minutes ("Allowable Inactivity Time" setting on the server), and username and password are filled in automatically
  2. On a workstation pointed to XA 4.11.x or 4.12.x server (problem behavior):
    1. User taps an unregistered badge
    2. User is prompted to enter their username and password
    3. User logs out
    4. User taps in on another workstation in under "x" number of minutes ("Allowable Inactivity Time" setting on the server)
      • PROBLEM BEHAVIOR: User is prompted to register badge (enter username and password)

ROOT CAUSE: ProxCard Migration Scripts were not run against ProxCard Database

The 4.11.x ProxCard server will fail to register new badges unless the ProxCard database migration scripts have been run against the database. 


Run the ProxCard database migration scripts have been run against the database. 

  1. Verify that you have access to and permissions to update the ProxCard SQL database
  2. As a user that has the permissions to read and write to the database, open the ProxCard SQL database with SQL Server Management Studio (or another appropriate tool)
  3. Run the appropriate SQL migration scripts based on the version of XA that is installed
  4. XA 4.11.0 and higher:
    1. Open the "Prox Migration Update 1 (MSSQL).sql" file found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\SQL\MSSQL\prox folder on the XA Server.
    2. Verify that the first line in the SQL is set to use the correct proxcard database name (customers may have named this differently than the default) and change it to the correct database name if it is not correct.
      1. use hcproxcard /*The hcproxcard database must exist prior to running this script*/
      2. Run the SQL query against the ProxCard database
  5.  XA 4.11.1 and higher
    1. Open the "Update4111.sql" file found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\SQL\MSSQL\prox folder on the XA Server.
    2. Verify that the first line in the SQL is set to use the correct proxcard database name (customers may have named this differently than the default), and change it to the correct database name if it is not correct.
      1. USE [hcproxcard]
    3. Run the SQL query against the ProxCard database
  6.  XA 4.11.2 and higher
    1. Open the "Update_04_11_2.sql" file found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\eXactACCESS\SQL\MSSQL\proxf folder on the XA Server.
    2. Run the SQL query against the ProxCard database

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